Help protect yourself and others from respiratory illnesses
In recent weeks, the Coulee Region has seen an increase in respiratory illnesses such as influenza, colds, strep throat, COVID-19 and RSV. As the holiday travel season approaches, Gundersen Health System has tips to prevent the spread of influenza-like-illnesses to others. They include the following:
Stay up to date on your vaccines.
Wear a mask if you are experiencing or recovering from respiratory symptoms.
Continue to practice exceptional hand hygiene before and after contact with others.
Routinely clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces in your home and at work.
Practice respiratory etiquette by covering your cough and sneezes, preferably with your elbow rather than your hand.
Stay at home if you are not feeling well.
Not sure if you’re too sick to go to work? Go to to find out about what criteria to consider.
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