Bank of Mauston pledges $25,000 to Mile Bluff Building Campaign
Construction crews have officially started working on Mile Bluff Medical Center’s remodeling of the former Mauston Shopko building. While it may be hard to see any progress on the outside of the building, internal demolition has begun.
Currently referred to as the Gateway Building, this location will be home to Mile Bluff’s urgent care, retail pharmacy, and dialysis services. It is part of a two-phased expansion project that will provide more space for these services, as well as Mile Bluff’s Emergency Department. These new spaces will improve efficiency, privacy, safety and the overall experience for both patients and staff members.
Including the purchase of the building, the estimated cost to remodel Gateway and the Emergency Department is $17 million. To help offset costs, Mile Bluff Medical Center Foundation has launched a fundraising campaign – For You. With You – with the goal of raising $5 million to support this project.
Several individuals and businesses, including the Bank of Mauston, have already made commitments to the campaign. At the beginning of the year, Bank of Mauston President/CEO, Molly Scully, presented a $25,000 pledge to support this initiative and to help build Mile Bluff’s future.
“Bank of Mauston is excited to contribute to the ‘For You. With You.’ Capital Campaign,” said Scully. “We recognize the value in having access to local, independent healthcare and appreciate the positive economic impact Mile Bluff has on our community. Supporting this campaign is a great way for Bank of Mauston to continue to help our community grow.”
“We are grateful to our partners at the Bank of Mauston,” said Katie Nuttall, foundation director. “Their gift speaks to their commitment to community growth and their desire to support the lives of those living in our area. At Mile Bluff, we are excited for the Gateway expansion project as we work to build a brighter, healthier future for those we serve.”
Just as the community has been able to count on Mile Bluff, now the medical center is looking for help in making these crucial facility updates possible. If you are grateful for the care you have received at Mile Bluff or want to ensure healthcare services continue to be available locally, please consider supporting Mile Bluff’s efforts to strengthen healthcare in Juneau County.
If you would like to learn more about making a donation, or would like more information about pledge and recognition opportunities, please call the foundation at 608-847-2735 or visit