City of Tomah Comprehensive Plan Update: Online Survey Opportunity
The City of Tomah has started on its 10-year update of the Comprehensive Plan, which was last significantly updated in 2013. The purpose of the plan is to provide a roadmap for the City’s next twenty years. The plan touches on ten different topic areas including economic development, land use, transportation, historic preservation, natural resources, and several others. In addition, the document contains a community-wide vision, topic-specific goals, objectives, policies, and recommendations, and an action plan to help prioritize future projects.
An online survey has been created to gather community-wide input as the first step in the Comprehensive Plan update process. This survey is intended to gather input on land use, transportation, recreational, cultural, and natural resource assets, issues, and opportunities.
Next Steps:
- We encourage all community members to take the online survey which will help guide the development of the Comprehensive Plan. The survey will be open between January 12, 2024 through February 2, 2024. It will take approximately 10 minutes to complete, and all responses are anonymous. The survey is available online at:
Additional information about the Comprehensive Plan Update is available by contacting
Shane Rolff, Building Inspector/Zoning Administrator at or 608-374-