
Terrace Heights to hold annual Valentine’s BINGO

The public is invited to spend an afternoon with the tenants of Terrace Heights Retirement Community in Mauston.  The facility will host its annual BINGO game on Tuesday, February 13.  This popular event celebrates Valentine’s Day in unique fashion!


The festivities will begin at 2 pm, with chances to win great prizes starting right away.  When attendees arrive and sign in, they are automatically entered in a drawing for one of the door prizes to be given away at the end of the event.  In addition, there will be wrapped presents awarded every time a BINGO is called.  All gifts stay concealed until the end of the celebration.  When the game is over, those who did not have the opportunity to receive a prize by calling ‘BINGO’ can choose from those remaining on the table. Individuals who won multiple items can also share the love by giving away their ‘extra’ prizes.  Everyone leaves a winner from this festive game of BINGO!


In the past spots have filled up quickly for this event, so call 608-847-2377 to reserve your space today!  You must RSVP to play.


Wisconsin Cattlemen Winter Conference Coming to Mauston

Snowmobile Crash Near Mauston Leads to Death

On Wednesday, January 17, 2024, at 9:40am, the Juneau County Communication Center received a report of a two snowmobiles crashing east of Mauston on the snowmobile trail near Noe Rd. 

Responding units located the crash scene approximately 250yards off of Hwy 12/16 on the east side of the road. 

Two individuals were located at the crash scene, both unresponsive.  Emergency medical treatment was immediately started on both individuals.  

As a result of the injuries sustained in the crash, Mark Sibber, ag 53 of Cadott was transported via med-flight to UW Hospital in Madison.

Despite live saving measures taken, Scott Williams, age 60 of Chippewa Falls passed away at the scene as a result of injuries sustained in the crash.

The crash remains under investigation by the Wisconsin DNR and the Juneau County Sheriff’s Office.

The Juneau County Sheriff’s Office was assisted by the Wisconsin DNR, Mauston Fire Department, Mauston Area Ambulance, Adams County Sheriff’s Office, Juneau County Coroner’s office and Northside Mobile. 

Oakridge Trail Death Remains on Guard through Autopsy, Road Re-Opened

On Thursday, January 18, 2024, at approximately 8:41 a.m., the Juneau County Sheriff’s Office Communication Center received a report of a deceased individual on Cty Hwy M at the Oakridge Trail parking area.
Upon arrival, responding deputies discovered a deceased adult male. As a result of his discovery, and subsequent and continuing investigation, the death has been determined to be suspicious in nature.
Cty Hwy M has been re-opened, but as of this press release the scene remains under guard until an autopsy can be completed.
The Juneau County Sheriff’s Office is being assisted by the Juneau County Coroner’s Office, Wisconsin State Patrol, and the Wisconsin Department of Criminal Investigation. I will provide updated press releases as the investigation moves forward.

City of Mauston Meetings

Royall School Board

Snowmobile Crash in Near Kendall

On Wednesday January 17th 2024, just before 1:00pm the Monroe County 911 Communications Center received a 911 call from a 3 rd party advising that her sister was involved in a crash with a snowmobile at an address on Hwy 71, just west of the Village of Kendall. After more information gathering, emergency responders were able to locate the crash which occurred where the snowmobile trail crosses a private driveway.
Deputies investigating the crash found that Charlie Neitzel of New Lisbon had been traveling the trail on his 2021 Skidoo when he failed to yield at the driveway. Lori Bandle of Kendall was driving up the driveway
when Neitzel struck the front of Bandle’s vehicle, causing him to be ejected from the snowmobile. Neitzel suffered minor injuries from the crash that did not require medical attention. The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office was assisted by the Monroe County 911 Communications Center, Kendall Fire Department, and Wilton Ambulance.

Person Found Deceased Near Oakridge Trail Parking Area in Juneau County

This morning, at approximately 8:41 a.m., the Juneau County Sheriff’s Office Communication Center received a report of a deceased individual on Cty Hwy M at the Oakridge Trail parking area. Upon arrival, responding deputies discovered a deceased male. At the time of this press
release the death is being treated as suspicious. The investigation is on going. Cty Hwy M is presently hard closed from approximately one mile south of State Hwy 21 to Cranberry Creek Rd/25th Street. It will remain closed until the investigation is complete. This appears to be an isolated incident. There is no danger to the surrounding communities.

7th Annual GOLD Ice Fishing Tournament is a Go for this Saturday

From the Guardians of Lake Decorah on this weekends Ice Fishing Tournament: We are officially a go! After punching many holes today, we have determined that the tournament will move forward. We found 4 to 6 inches of safe ice in most areas, but we still recommend foot traffic only come Saturday to ensure everyone’s safety on the ice.

Vernon County Resident Arrested for Car Thefts

On Wednesday morning, January 17, 2024, at approximately 5:45 AM, the Sheriff’s Office 911 Dispatch
Center received a report that a black, Ford F-250 pickup truck had been taken, without consent, from a
residence along Will Kumlin Road, approximately one mile northwest of State Highway 82, rural De Soto,
WI, in the town of Wheatland. The caller reported locating the vehicle in the ditch, with minor damage,
a short distance from their residence.
At approximately 6:00 AM, the Sheriff’s Office received a second call reporting that a black, 2015
Chevrolet Equinox was missing from another address on Will Kumlin Road, just north of State Highway
At 7:15 AM, the Sheriff’s Office received a third call reporting that a black Chevrolet Equinox was found
abandoned along Peterson Avenue, southwest of County Road N, rural Viroqua, WI, in the Town of
Sterling. It was quickly determined the abandoned, found with possible damage from striking a
snowbank, was the same vehicle that was reported missing.
During the investigation, it was determined that a third vehicle, a silver, 2013 Chevrolet Silverado K3500
was missing from Peterson Avenue. That vehicle was located by the Crawford County Sheriff’s Office, in
the Village of Gays Mills, at approximately 9:00 AM.
The investigation continued and with the assistance of the Crawford County Sheriff’s Office, Colton Allen
Frazier, age 26, of rural De Soto, WI, was taken into custody and transported to the Vernon County
Sheriff’s Office Detention Center. In addition to three counts of Take and Drive a Motor Vehicle Without
Owner’s consent, Frazier was also booked for three counts of Felony Bail Jumping stemming from similar
criminal charges filed in Crawford County Circuit Court, in October 2023 in which Frazier is due back in
court on March 8, 2024, at 10:00 AM.
Colton Frazier appeared in Vernon County Circuit Court Wednesday afternoon for a bail hearing, and he
was released on a $5,000.00 Signature Bond. Frazier is due back in Vernon County Circuit Court on
February 7, 2024, at 8:30 AM for an Initial Appearance. Formal charges will be sought through Vernon
County District Attorney Angela Palmer-Fisher.
The investigation continues and Sheriff Torgerson would like to thank Sheriff Dale Mc Cullick and his
staff at the Crawford County Sheriff’s Office for their quick response and assistance.
If you have any information about this crime or any other crime, contact Vernon County Crime Stoppers
at 608-637-8477 or You will not ever be asked for you name when contacting Crime

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