
Fatal Motor Vehicle Crash in Adams County

On Friday March 29, 2024, at approximately 10:52 AM, The Adams County Sheriff’s Office received a 911 call advising of a two vehicle accident, involving a truck and a semi with injuries in the area of STH 13 and CTH K, Township of Dell Prairie, Adams County, WI.
Arriving deputies and first responders attempted to gain access to the driver of the truck but, due to the significant damage, were unable to do so. Kilbourn Fire Department arrived with extrication equipment and extricated the driver of the truck. Dells-Delton EMS personnel, along with first responders, attempted life saving measures on the driver. Arrangements were made for a Medflight medical helicopter to respond and land near the accident scene. Deputies were informed by EMS personnel that the driver and sole occupant of the truck succumbed to his injuries before being transferred to the medical helicopter. The driver of the truck was identified by his Wisconsin Driver’s License as Shannon Deshannon, age 50 of Wisconsin Dells, WI.
The initial investigation revealed the semi was traveling southbound on STH 13 and the truck was traveling northbound on STH 13. The truck crossed the centerline into the southbound lane of travel. The semi driver attempted to avoid the truck by going towards the west shoulder of the roadway but the truck continued into the southbound lane of travel and collided with the semi.
This crash remains under investigation and no further information will be released at this time. The Wisconsin State Patrol’s Technical Reconstruction Unit (TRU) responded to the scene and conducted a reconstruction of the scene.
The Adams County Sheriff’s Office was assisted by the Adams County Medical Examiner’s Office, Wisconsin Dells Police Department, Kilbourn Fire Department, Dells-Delton EMS, Adams County Highway Department, Medflight, Zeman’s Towing, Harper’s Towing and the Wisconsin State Patrol.

Vehicular Crash in Rural Ontario Injures Two

Vernon County Sheriff Roy Torgerson reports a two-vehicle crash occurred Friday afternoon, March 29, 2024, in rural Ontario, WI, in the town of Forest. At approximately 12:45 PM, the Sheriff’s Office 911 Dispatch Center was notified of the crash that occurred on County Road F, near Harris Road. Lucas Paul Downing, age 34, of rural Kendall, WI was operating a 2007 Kia Spectra, traveling east and uphill. Diane Luisa Brewer, age 67, of rural Ontario, WI was driving west and as she crested the hill, she saw the Downing vehicle had crossed the centerline. Attempting to avoid a head-on collision, Brewer steered right. The left, front corner of the Downing vehicle struck and sideswiped the entire left side of the Brewer vehicle. Both frontal airbags in the Downing vehicle deployed while the side
curtain airbag was activated in the Brewer vehicle.
Both Downing and Brewer were extricated from their vehicles by the Hillsboro Fire Department. Both were transported to Gundersen St. Joseph’s Hospital in Hillsboro, by
Hillsboro Ambulance. Brewer was treated and released. Downing was later transferred to the University of Wisconsin Hospital in Madison, WI.
Brewer’s service dog, Jake, did not appear injured and was returned home, by a volunteer with Ontario Fire & Rescue, where he will be closely monitored.
Assisting the Sheriff’s Office at the scene were Hillsboro Fire Department, Hillsboro Area Ambulance, an ambulance from Ontario Fire & Rescue, Ontario Police Department, and the Wisconsin State Patrol. Gundersen Air II was also dispatched, but re-routed and landed at Gundersen St. Joseph’s Hospital, but the transfer to Madison was by ground transport.
All units had left the crash scene by approximately 3:00 PM.
The investigation continues.

Donate blood and save a life with Mile Bluff Medical Center!

You can help someone in need by donating during the two-day blood drive at Mile Bluff Medical Center in Mauston.

Do your part to save lives by joining the Blood Center of Wisconsin blood drive being held on Wednesday, April 17 and Thursday, April 18 from 9 am to 2 pm. Appointments are strongly encouraged, but walk-ins will be welcomed.


Requirements for being a blood donor:

  • Be at least 17 years old (16-year-olds may donate with parental consent)
  • Weigh at least 110 pounds
  • Feel well and in good health
  • Not have had hepatitis after age 11 years
  • Not have had any risk factors/behaviors associated with HIV/AIDS


Tips to remember the day you donate:

  • Eat a healthy meal and drink plenty of fluids prior to and following your donation.
  • Bring along a photo ID such as a driver’s license.
  • Avoid strenuous physical exercise until the day following your donation.


Make a blood donation on April 17 or 18 at Mile Bluff Medical Center to be entered for a chance to win a brand-new pontoon boat (terms & conditions apply).


To reserve your spot, call the Blood Center of Wisconsin at 1-877-232-4376 or visit and search for Mile Bluff in the mobile drives.

Good Samaritan in Hillsboro

On March 27th A citizen came across $600.00 sitting in the dispensing drawer of an ATM at the Hillsboro County Market in the town of Hillsboro.  He called the sheriff’s office to turn it in.  Based on surveillance footage from the store, the owner was identified.  The cash will be returned to the owner.

Evers Signs 3 Kurtz Bills

Today, Governor Evers signed three bills authored by Rep. Kurtz into law.
2023 Wisconsin Act 221 was authored with Sen. Howard Marklein (R-Spring Green).
Act 221 creates a grant program to assist local agencies with updating their technology
equipment and infrastructure for the Wisconsin Interoperability System for
Communications (WISCOM), a radio system that permits emergency responders from
public safety agencies to communicate across jurisdictions.
2023 Wisconsin Act 222 was authored with Sen. Patrick Testin (R- Stevens Point). Act
222 will continue the current practice of allowing providers to recover their costs of
facilitating Next Generation 911 (NG-911) by creating a grant program for incumbent
local exchange carriers to receive reimbursement for some of their costs. These costs
may include IP-based transport of NG-911; purchasing, installing, and maintaining NG-
911 equipment; and NG-911 database management. Next Generation 911 provides
better technology and access to emergency communication. In addition to 911 voice
capabilities, NG-911 allows the public to send texts, images, video and data to a 911
2023 Wisconsin Act 244 was authored with Sen. Joan Ballweg (R-Markesan). Act 244
increases the cap for state aid for local fairs from $10,000 to $20,000 and prohibits the
Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection from implementing rules
that prohibit someone from being able to collect a state-aided premium for their exhibit
at multiple fairs. This rule would discourage increased participation at fairs and places
an administrative burden on fairs that is difficult to enforce, especially for smaller fairs
like the Juneau County Fair and Elroy Fair. The most recent state budget provided
additional funding for county and district fairs, bringing the state aid up to a total of
$650,000 annually to account for the changes made in the bill

Tomah Man Injured While Trying to Escape Search Warrant

A Tomah man was injured while attempting to flee from Monroe County deputies during a search warrant Tuesday night. 


At around 8pm Tuesday Evening, the Sheriff’s Office served a search warrant at an apartment above Kelsey’s Bar in the City of Tomah where the man lived.  The Sheriff’s Office had received information from multiple sources as well as a Crime Stoppers tip about drugs being sold out of the apartment.  The Sheriff’s Office investigated further and found that Leonard Figgins, 34, was selling methamphetamine and cocaine out of his apartment.  


While serving the search warrant, deputies found that Figgins had fled his apartment and went into the neighboring apartment through a fire escape.   The Sheriff’s Office got another warrant for the neighboring apartment and upon entry they found that Figgins had barricaded himself in one of the bedrooms.    As deputies were making entry, Figgins broke out a window and jumped from the second story to the sidewalk below.     Figgins injured both ankles from his attempt to flee and was taken into custody before being transported to the hospital.     The search of Figgins’ apartment yielded more drugs and other evidence of his dealings.


Figgins is known by the Sheriff’s Office as he has had an extensive criminal history, including previous convictions for possessing and delivering cocaine, and possessing THC.   In 2014, Figgins was arrested in Tomah for attempted homicide, aggravated assault and possession of a firearm that stemmed from an incident in Pennsylvania.  


Figgins is currently on supervision through Wisconsin Probation and Parole as well as being out on bond from a La Crosse County case in which he was charged with numerous crimes stemming from a domestic dispute incident.   When he was arrested for that incident he fled from police and discarded numerous packages of drugs.


Figgins will soon face new charges in Monroe County Court for possessing with intent to deliver drugs that were located in his apartment when it was searched.  


The investigation was led by the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office.   The Sheriff’s Office was assisted by Tomah Police Department, Wisconsin Probation and Parole and Tomah Ambulance.    

Mental Health CAT Launching in Juneau County

In 2021, over 1,200 Juneau County residents completed a community health survey and selected the areas that most impacted their health. The top three needs- good jobs and strong economy, affordable housing, and accessbile transportation- have been a focus of priority by the Juneau County Health Department and community partners for the past two years through work being done by Community Action Teams (CATs). These CATS take a collaborative approach to solving these broad community issues, bringing experts in each area and community members impacted by these problems together to dicsuss what can be done and implement change. A CAT is now being formed to work on another one of the priority areas from the 2021 assessment: Mental Health. Access to mental heatlh services, including cost and stigma, was identifited as an area
that most impacted Juneau County residents’ lives. This team will launch with a 30 minute informational meeting scheduled for 8am on April 4th; virtual and in-person options available. If you have interest in or questions about the Mental Health CAT, please connect with Kelsey Stockwell at or 608-547-2589.

Go to
t_cha.php for more information on the 2021 Health Assessment and CATs

Talent Lineup for Downtown Thursday Nights

The Tomah Chamber and Visitors Center announces the talent line up for Tomah’s street concert series: Downtown Thursday Nights.


The Tomah Chamber and Visitor Center is hosting Downtown Thursday Nights again in 2024. The outdoor street concert will take place on the 800 and 900 blocks of Superior Avenue in front of the Tomah Police Station. The music event will include a free Kid Zone with bounce houses, balloon animals, caricatures, and face painting. Food and beverage will be available for purchase. Attendees are encouraged to bring lawn chairs, cash for food and beverages, and sunscreen. Beer is available for purchase to individuals aged 21 and older. Photo ID will be required. No carry-ins will be allowed.


The line-up for the summer event is July 4th, Ashley Wineland, July 11th, Jonah and the Whales, July 18th, Super Tuesday, August 1st, The Dweebs, August 8th, Rowan Grace and August 15th Cherry Pie.


Ashley Wineland is returning from 2023 and Cherry Pie is returning from 2019, 2021, 2022 and 2023. The genres of music include country, rock, and interactive party music. Each concert will start at approximately 6:00 PM and end at approximately 9:00 PM. The city of Tomah will be closing off Superior Avenue and traffic will be rerouted from 4:30 PM to 10:00 PM each night.

Sauk City Waterworks Receives a Water Fluoridation Quality Award from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)


 The Wisconsin Department of Health Services announced that Sauk City Waterworks has been awarded a Water Fluoridation Quality Award from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Fluoridation is the adjustment of fluoride in drinking water to a level that is effective for preventing tooth decay. The award recognizes those communities that achieved excellence in community water fluoridation by maintaining a consistent level of fluoride in drinking water throughout 2022.

For 2022, a total of 1,209 public water systems in 27 states received these awards, including 30 in Wisconsin.

“Water fluoridation is one of the best investments that a community can make in maintaining the oral health of its citizens. It is equally as effective in preventing cavities in children and adults,” states Casey Hannan, MPH, Director, CDC Division of Oral Health. “Fluoridation is also highly cost effective. Studies continue to show that for every $1 a community invests in water fluoridation, $20 are saved in dental treatment costs.”

Community water fluoridation has been recognized by CDC as one of 10 great public health achievements of the 20th Century. CDC recommends water fluoridation as one of the most practical, cost-effective, equitable, and safe measures a community can take to prevent tooth decay and improve oral health.

“Public Health is about finding ways to protect and prevent against illness, disease, and other conditions that decrease quality of life,” shares Treemanisha Stewart, Director/Health Officer for Public Health Sauk County. “Fluoride in drinking water is one of those ways that we can protect our families from tooth decay.”

Debbie Richards Performs at Terrace Heights

On March 20, the tenants and friends of Terrace Heights Retirement Community in Mauston welcomed back country vocalist Debbie Richards. Her honky-tonk attitude brought a smile to everyone who attended as she performed classic songs from George Strait, Merle Haggard, Hank Williams, Nancy Sinatra, Dean Martin, and more. The audience had a good time listening and singing along.

For information about upcoming events, call 608-847-2377. Ask about a tour of the facility as well; apartments are now available.

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