
Gun Shots Fired In Rural Wonewoc

Vernon County Sheriff Roy Torgerson and Monroe County Sheriff Wesley Revels report the arrest of Nicholas Lee Calhoon, age 41, of rural Norwalk, WI. On Saturday evening, April 27, 2024, at 6:00 PM, the Monroe County 911 Communications Center received a call indicating that Nicholas Calhoon had been at a residence located along State Highway 33, rural Cashton, WI, in the town of Jefferson, in Monroe County, and made threats to harm a Vernon County resident located near County Road EE, rural Wonewoc, WI, in the town of Greenwood. A deputy sheriff from the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office responded to the State Highway 33
residence to investigate. After compiling the pertinent information, the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office contacted the Vernon County Sheriff’s Office. A deputy sheriff from Vernon County and a police officer from the City of Hillsboro Police Department responded to the rural Wonewoc address. Upon arrival, it was reported that Calhoon was there earlier in the day, but not now. The investigation continued throughout the evening by both Sheriff’s Offices with regular communication between both agencies. All officers on-duty were on the lookout for a side-by-side
UTV that Calhoon was believed to be operating. At 9:36 PM, the Vernon County resident called 911 and reported that Calhoon had returned and was yelling outside a gate at the end of the driveway. After reportedly leaving for a short time, Calhoon returned, and it was reported that he discharged several rounds from a firearm and left the area. An officer from the City of Hillsboro Police Department was the first to arrive and confirmed the presence of spent rounds of ammunition located at the end of the driveway. By this time, officers were given the description of a different vehicle that Calhoon was known to drive. While a deputy sheriff and the police chief from the Village of La Farge were responding to the residence, they met a vehicle similar to the second vehicle described. The vehicle was traveling west on County Road V. The officers, traveling the opposite direction, turned around and found the vehicle stopped along
County Road V, near County Road H, in the town of Union. A High-Risk Vehicle Contact was initiated and the suspect, identified as Nicholas Calhoon, was taken into custody without incident. A handgun was recovered. Nicholas Calhoon was booked into the Vernon County Detention Center for First Degree Recklessly Endangering Safety, Operating a Firearm While Intoxicated, Disorderly Conduct, Operating a Motor Vehicle with a Controlled Substance, and Possession of Tetrahydrocannabinol. On Monday, April 29th, at 1:00 PM, Nicholas Calhoon appeared in Vernon County Circuit Court for a Bond Hearing and bail was set at $1,000.00 Cash. There were several conditions of bond that
included no contact with victims. Calhoon is due back in court on May 8th, at 8:30 AM. Formal charges are being sought through Vernon County District Attorney Angela Palmer-Fisher and Monroe County District Attorney Kevin Croninger. The investigation continues. Anyone with additional information about these crimes is urged to contact the Vernon County Sheriff’s Office at 608-637-2123 or the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office at 608-269-2117. You can also contact Crime Stoppers about this crime or any other crime at 608-637- TIPS in Vernon County or 608-269-STOP in Monroe County. Online tips can be submitted at

Reedsburg Area Medical Center Birth Center opens milk drop off depot

Mothers’ Milk Bank of the Western Great Lakes (Milk Bank WGL) and Reedsburg Area Medical Center have partnered to bring a new breast milk collection depot to Reedsburg. This joint effort increases access for approved donors and families in the area to donate lifesaving, critical nutrition for babies in need. The organizations welcomed the new depot with a grand opening ceremony on April 29th in the Birth Center at Reedsburg Area Medical Center.


“Reedsburg Area Medical Center is excited to provide this valuable service to local moms in Reedsburg and surrounding communities,” says Pam Dregney, RAMC Birth Center director. “Area moms have shown an increased interest in donating their precious breast milk and are excited about the prospect of helping other infants and families. I would also like to thank the RAMC Foundation for their very generous donation of the freezer to use for the donated breast milk.”


The milk depot at Reedsburg Area Medical Center collects human milk donations from healthy, lactating women who are approved donors through the Mothers’ Milk Bank of the Western Great Lakes. The donations are then sent to the milk bank’s processing facility in Elk Grove Village, IL, where the milk is pasteurized to eliminate viruses and bacteria. The pasteurized milk is tested by a third-party lab and distributed to hospitals and outpatients in Wisconsin and Illinois.  


“Donor milk is life-saving for medically fragile babies. Many of the smallest patients’ care plans rely on this essential nutrition. The families that can donate this invaluable resource are superheroes! We are so happy to partner with Reedsburg to provide this convenient drop-off location to the donors in the community.” said Amber Barnes BSN, RNC-NIC, IBCLC, clinical manager, Mothers’ Milk Bank of the Western Great Lakes.


Individuals interested in donating through Milk Bank WGL please visit or call 847-262-5134. The Milk Bank will guide all donors through the process of donating their breast milk. Approved donors must bring their donor ID number given by the Milk Bank when bringing their donation. Donations are gladly accepted by appointment by calling the RAMC Birth Center at 608-768-6251.


For more information on Reedsburg Area Medical Center visit

Bellin and Gundersen Health System to become Emplify Health

 For more than a century, Bellin Health and Gundersen Health System have been trusted, steady members of communities throughout Wisconsin, Northeast Iowa, Southeast Minnesota and Northern Michigan embodying dedication, compassion and excellence in care. The two strong, industry-leading health systems finalized their merger of equals in December 2022, and today have announced they will become Emplify Health to continue serving our community healthcare needs.

Meet Emplify Health

“Drawn from ‘empathy,’ defined as ‘feeling aware of another’s emotions’ and ‘amplify,’ which means ‘increase,’ Emplify is a new word created to reflect a united goal of increasing access, creating a culture of empathy and enhancing population health outcomes for the patients and communities we serve,” says Scott Rathgaber, CEO, Bellin and Gundersen Health System.

“We are standing on the shoulders of the enduring legacies of Bellin Health and Gundersen Health System and the thousands of people who have helped grow and nurture the system brands. Today, we are embracing the journey to something new, strong and shared. By unifying under one brand, we align our teams and our resources to provide the best possible care and experience for our patients and community,” Rathgaber says. “Emplify Health is more than a name. It’s a promise. It’s a symbol of trust. It is a continuation and evolution of our shared legacies. It prepares us for the future.” 

‘This change will take time’

New identities take time to build. Transitioning Bellin and Gundersen to Emplify Health will not happen overnight. Over the next several months the new brand will be slowly and thoughtfully incorporated into the health system. 

“We anticipate it will take several years to fully migrate to Emplify Health,” Rathgaber says. “Do we expect everyone to immediately embrace this journey? Certainly not. But we will journey together. Change takes time. And we must honor our legacy names into the future. I know we have the best people in the industry working at our organization, who will help to build this new identity in the right way while respecting our rich histories.” 

Same great care close to home

While the health system’s name is evolving, the commitment to compassionate care close to home remains unchanged. Patients of Emplify Health will still receive their care with the same providers and staff at the same locations they know and trust. The health system’s most fundamental commitment is to care — for the whole person, across boundaries and barriers, rooted in empathy and amplified through the collective efforts of 15,000 team members system-wide. 




Not all names are changing


While all Bellin and Gundersen hospitals and clinics will, over time, change their name to Emplify Health, entities such as the Gundersen Medical Foundation, The Bellin Health Foundation and the foundations associated with the other hospitals will not change at this time. As it was shared when Bellin and Gundersen merged in December 2022, the funds received by each Foundation will remain designated for intended areas as directed by donors.

Local Scam Attempt

Beware of phone scams


There is a phone scam that has been making its way through our area.


Patients are being contacted by people posing as employees from trusted organizations – like hospitals, clinics and pharmacies.  Instead of asking for the usual credit card or social security card numbers, these scammers are asking patients to verify their insurance/Medicare ID numbers.  The information is then used to access and utilize protected health information in a harmful way.


If you are ever in doubt, don’t give your information out.

Yuba Woman Facing Charges after Driving Erratically at School

Richland County Sheriff Clay Porter and Vernon County Sheriff Roy Torgerson report the arrest of Tasha Elaine Sittig, age 32, of rural Lone Rock, WI. On Wednesday morning, April 17, 2024, at approximately 10:00 AM, the Richland County Sheriff’s Office was notified of a Hit & Run crash that occurred at the intersection of County Road C and Pine Road, in the village of Yuba, in Richland County. No injuries were reported; however, the striking vehicle, described as a black SUV, reportedly left the scene and was last seen traveling north on County Road H, toward Vernon County. A Richland County deputy sheriff arrived at the scene of the crash and met with the victim who reported that the SUV was being operated in a reckless manner and the crash may have been intentional. At approximately 3:30 PM, the Vernon County Sheriff’s Office 911 Dispatch Center received multiple reports of a black SUV being driven recklessly in the village of Viola in both Richland and Vernon Counties. One of the callers reported the vehicle drove through a barricaded portion of North Commercial Street (State Highway 131) that was under construction.
The SUV, bearing the same license plate number as the Hit & Run victim reported, was located in the village of Viola, and the operator was identified as Tasha Elaine Sittig, age 32, of Gotham, rural Lone Rock, WI. Sittig was taken into custody just before 4:00 PM and transported to the Richland County Jail and booked on charges of Second Degree Recklessly Endangering Safety, Disorderly Conduct, and Resisting or Obstructing an Officer. Sittig appeared in Richland County Circuit Court the following day for a Bond Hearing and bail was set $500.00 Cash.
Formal charges were filed by Richland County District Attorney Jennifer Harper. Sittig was also cited for three traffic infractions.
On Monday, April 22, 2024, the Vernon County Sheriff’s Office was notified that the operator of a black SUV had driven recklessly through the Kickapoo Area Schools campus on April 1 st and again on April 17th. During the investigation, video evidence and multiple witness statements were obtained. There was no school on April 1st, but students were present on April 17th and in the vicinity of the suspect vehicle that traveled through the campus at a high rate of speed, in the wrong direction of a one-way portion of the road in front of the school.
Charges of First Degree Recklessly Endangering Safety are being sought through Vernon County District Attorney Angela Palmer-Fisher. On April 23rd, at 10:00 AM, Sittig appeared in Vernon County Circuit Court, via Zoom from the Richland County Jail where she was still being held on the cash bond ordered in Richland County. A $500.00 Cash Bond was also ordered in Vernon County. Three special conditions of bond are:
1) The defendant shall not come within five hundred (500) yards of Kickapoo Area Schools.
2) The defendant shall not possess or consume any controlled substances unless prescribed by a physician.
3) The defendant shall comply with random drug testing by law enforcement upon reasonable suspicion of recent drug use or possession.
Tasha Sittig is due back in Vernon County Circuit Court on May 7th, at 8:30 AM, and Richland County Circuit Court on the same day, at 1:00 PM, for initial appearances. At the time of this news release, Sittig remains in the
Richland County Jail Sheriff Porter and Sheriff Torgerson would like to thank their deputies and staff for bringing these incidents to a safe conclusion, the Kickapoo Valley Rescue Squad, Kickapoo Area School District, and the many citizens who have come forward with information. If you have any information on this crime, please contact the Richland
County Sheriff’s Office at 608-647-2106 or the Vernon County Sheriff’s Office at 608-637-2123. You can also contact Richland Area Crime Stoppers at 608-647-CLUE or Vernon County Crime Stoppers at 608-637-TIPS. You
can also submit an online tip at The incidents remain under investigation.

Mauston Passes Another No Mow May

The City of Mauston recently approved another season of No Mow May. Residents and property owners wishing to participate can pick up a yard sign at City Hall to place in your front yard during May. 

Participants will be exempt from typical weed and grass cutting requirements during May, but must bring their lawns back into compliance no later than Monday, June 10th, 2024. Anything after June 10th that is not in accordance with city ordinance will be enforced.

We kindly urge those who participated last year and still have signs to reuse them for this season or return them to City Hall.

ATV Safety Class this Saturday in Juneau County

The Juneau County Sherriff and Castle Rock Family ATV Club are offering an ATV Safety Class.  Saturday April 27 from 9am to 12noon and May 2 from 6-9pm at the Mauston City Hall(students must attend both sessions) cost is $10.

Anyone born after January 1, 1988 must successfully pass the course to operate an ATV in Wisconsin.  Must register at safety education.

Mauston’s Massey Selected as one of 32 finalists for WIAA Scholar Athlete Award

Congratulations to Brock Massey who was recently selected as one of 32 statewide finalists for the very prestigious 2024 WIAA Scholar Athlete Award! Only four boys and four girls from each of the four WIAA divisions were selected based on both athletic and academic achievement. Brock Massey will be honored at the WIAA Scholar Athlete Banquet on May 5 in Stevens Point.  Royall’s Marah Gruen was also selected as a finalist! 

Reedsburg Area Medical Center campus – wide phone system upgrade

Beginning the evening of Wednesday, April 24th Reedsburg Area Medical Center will begin a phone system upgrade which will affect all phones across the campus including the hospital, Senior Life Center and clinics. During the upgrade anyone calling into the campus will hear a phone disconnected tone. This is temporary during the upgrade. The timing is such that there should be minimal disruption to any callers. Please see below for important information and temporary phone numbers to use during this time.

RAMC Physicians Group and Specialty Group phone upgrades will begin at 7:30pm.

Reedsburg Area Senior Life Center phone upgrade will begin at 7:30pm. During this time anyone needing to contact the Senior Life Center should call 608.495.1502.

Hospital phone upgrade will begin at 11pm. During this time anyone needing to contact the hospital should call 608.495.9758.


Thank you to everyone for your patience during this time.

Norwalk Man Arrested after Hit & Run and Firing Weapon

On 04/17/2024 at approximately 8:38 PM, Monroe County Sheriff’s Deputies responded to a reported hit and run traffic crash at Main Street and S. Water Street, in the Village of Norwalk. The suspect vehicle was later located behind an address on Main Street in Norwalk.


As Deputies attempted contact at the front door of the suspected driver’s residence, a single gunshot was heard from inside the residence. The roommate to the suspect quickly exited the residence and was detained by deputies. A second male was inside the residence, who was later to be determined to be the shooter. The shooter was identified as Eduardo Gomez Jimenez (18 years old).  Deputies immediately entered the residence and began giving commands to Eduardo. He discarded the firearm and then attempted to run into an interior room. Deputies were able to quickly apprehend Eduardo and took him into custody. Thankfully, no one was injured from the shooting.  During the investigation, it was found the handgun had been stolen.


Eduardo was arrested and booked into the jail for the following charges:


941.30(1) 1st-Degree Recklessly Endangering Safety- 3 counts

947.01(1) Disorderly Conduct

941.20(1)(b) Go Armed with Firearm While Intoxicated

346.67(1) Hit and Run

346.63(1)(a) Operating While under Influence (1st)

943.34(1)(bm) Receiving Stolen Property Firearm


Eduardo is currently being held at the Monroe County Jail.


The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office was assisted by the Cashton Police Department and Monroe County 911 Communications Center.

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