The South Central Alliance for Tobacco Prevention partnered with local law enforcement to complete WI Wins commercial tobacco compliance checks for the year of 2024 and the alliance is pleased to announce 90% of retailers in Juneau County did not sell to minors.

The goal of the WI Wins program is a statewide effort to prevent youth tobacco use by keeping it out of kids’ hands in the first place. The program does this through a combination of education to retailers about how to check an ID in accordance with federal law and compliance checks.

Compliance checks are teams of adults, law enforcement, and youth (ages 16-17) working to prevent sales of tobacco products by having the youth attempt to purchase tobacco products. If a retailer sells to the youth, they can take an education course through rather than getting a citation for a first offense. This state-approved training is free and includes access to study guides, a short quiz, and a certificate of completion.

80% of adult commercial tobacco users started before the age of 18, so retailers play a crucial role in keeping youth tobacco free. The South Central Alliance for Tobacco Prevention thanks all our local retailers in Juneau County for keeping our youth healthy and safe. Learn more about the WI Wins program at