On Monday, October 9, Mile Bluff Medical Center Foundation is providing an Older Adult Mental Health First Aid training. The instructor-led training focuses on the unique experiences and needs of adults over the age of 65. 


Held at Mile Bluff Medical Center from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, this free one-day course will provide attendees with a 5-step Action Plan that guides them through the process of reaching out, offering appropriate support, and connecting older adults with available resources.


The class will also include:

  • A discussion of life changes that occur in older adults
  • A discussion of the specific risk factors faced by older adults, such as chronic health conditions
  • How to discern the difference between talking about death and suicidal ideation
  • A breakdown of psychosis, dementia, and delirium
  • How to communicate effectively with those who need help while using respectful language
  • How to combat the stigma around substance-related problems in the older adult population


Families, caretakers, nursing staff, and employers are encouraged to attend. This training is FREE for anyone in the community. It is led by a certified instructor who emphasizes hope for recovery. 


Pre-registration is required and space is limited. To register for the October 9 Older Adult Mental Health First Aid training, visit the ‘Calendar of Events’ at www.milebluff.com or call Katie at 608-847-2735.